Four essential values to build into your tech social media strategy
By Alexandra Morris, Brand and Marketing Manager
Building a social media platform that gains attention, grows sales and heightens interest in a business or product can be challenging, demanding and quite simply time consuming. However, implementing these four essential values to your social media strategies can go a long way towards lightening the load.
1. Relevance
The first step to a successful social platform is to ensure your content is relevant to your target audience. Think: is the information you’re posting adding value to the lives of your scrolling followers? You should also be making sure that the content is up to date with the latest trends, whilst also educating and informing your followers on topics they actually care about. Whilst planning your social media strategies, you should also consider referring to Touchdown’s top 3 tips for content creation, especially if you’re in the tech space!
2. Engagement
Engagement is one of the most vital parts of growing your social media platform. The more you engage with your followers, the more your page and content will be seen. To engage effectively and authentically with your followers, you should think about creating content that will encourage followers to carry out actions like commenting, clicking or sharing. Some of the most successful posts on Touchdown’s social media platforms include team updates such as birthdays, anniversary and business announcements as this welcomes followers to congratulate and commend employees. Our followers also engage well with coverage posts where clients have been personally tagged as they can share onto their own platforms and start conversations amongst the comments.
Finally, we find that by regularly posting relevant blogs, both team and industry related, with click through links to our website, we are building a trustworthy and familiar space for our followers. Creating these posts and responding appropriately and regularly, allows your followers and engagers to foster a sense of community, build stronger relationships with your platform and ultimately increases brand trust and loyalty.
3. Authenticity
Relevance and engagement are all good and well, but these will only go so far without a solid foundation of trust between creator and follower. A good way to cultivate this trust is by including transparent and genuine content into your social media strategies. This means avoiding using automated/bland responses or generic messages when replying to comments, such as “Thanks”, “You’re welcome” or worse still “Thank you for your message!”. Instead, don’t be afraid to let your businesses’ personality shine through in your posts and be sure to engage with your audience in a meaningful, authentic way.

4. Consistency
Finally, when planning social media strategies, it’s a well known fact that consistency is key! This doesn’t just mean posting at the same time each day, but tone of voice used, content style and the information you’re giving out, all needs to remain consistent across the board. By doing so, your content will continue to fall onto the home pages of your relevant followers, and when it does, will help that audience remember, recognise and most importantly, trust your brand. So once you’ve decided on your consistency… stick with it!
Whether you’re a small start up business or a large corporation, these four essential values will allow you to create a strong and meaningful connection with your target audience as well as build a familiar social media presence that will, over time, produce real business results.
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